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#421379 - Dr ‘Bob’ as the girls called him was friendly enough but he was a tough marker and now, as he handed back our mid term test papers, there was a big ‘D’ on top of my first page and at the bottom of the last page he had written: “June - you are failing this subject, come to my office at 4 PM to-morrow!” So - there I was, right on time, timidly knocking on the Professor’s big heavy door and filled with nervous apprehension. Sally immediately leaned forward, pulled down his zipper and hauled out the biggest cock I had ever seen. It was the most fabulous orgasm I had ever experienced, and as shudder after shudder wrenched my whole body, I ground my cunt against her face.

Read Sharing Jiraikei Joshi no Gyakunan Yodoushi Sex - Original Mexico Jiraikei Joshi no Gyakunan Yodoushi Sex

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Linn kurosawa
Geile milcht ten
Saaya yakushiji
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