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#88787 - A Junkie is Born I hit the road just me and my pack everything I owned on my back to see what I could find and to leave my old world behind I've seen this old world as I've never seen it before I've done things I would never do' I swore I met the junkie and the boozer along with a few other of Life's losers I smoke his grass, I drank his wine I listened to his Life story and heard mine I've shared his dreams, I've known his sorrow I cursed today and prayed for no tomorrow copyright 1973 hippiepoet69.

Read Adorable Yuki datte Chou Dokyuu!!! - The melancholy of haruhi suzumiya Gay Straight Boys Yuki datte Chou Dokyuu!!!

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Lina inverse
She last much more longer than me
Leonardo da vinci
Pero que warra